Monthly Archives: July 2011
Judicial Independence and Accountability in Sri Lanka

I view the issue of judicial independence and accountability in three interdependent levels: political accountability, decisional accountability and behavioural accountability
– Justice Wendell L. Griffin, Judge of the Arkansas Court of Appeal (Law and Contemporary Problems 1998)
Elaborating on the above three levels Justice Griffin stated: ’Political accountability includes selection, tenure and the extent to which judges […]
Restore the lost light; give me back the father of my children – Sandhya writes to Sri Lanka’s First Lady

Journalist and cartoonist for Lanka e news Prageeth Eknaliyagoda was abducted by government sponsored goons on 24 January 2010 and has been missing since. His wife Sandhya has been working tirelessly to find him
while comforting her two young sons who are growing up without a father. Below we reproduce a letter she sent to the wife […]
US Congressional hearing on accountability in Sri Lanka to follow ban on development aid

• US Congressional Hearing on accountability in Sri Lanka soon
• Channel 4 to release more evidence on White flag case
• Congress does not believe SL Embassy
• Republicans and Democrats concur on Sri Lanka
• India and US on same page regarding alleged war crimes investigations says Blake
* No US support for LTTE agenda
The […]
Accountability, Reconciliation, Democracy
With regard to Sri Lanka, the argument is put forward that without accountability there will be no reconciliation. Opinion divides between those who advocate or support an ‘independent international inquiry’ and an independent domestic inquiry.
The question is therefore raised as to what the international standards and best practices of accountability are. What does the overwhelming […]
India’s Sri Lanka Problem:To be taken seriously as a major power, India must show that it has influence in its own backyard

When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Chennai today, both United States and Indian officials will be eager to emphasize the robust commercial and people-to-people ties that increasingly bind America to one of India’s most dynamic regions. The consulate in Chennai issues more skilled temporary worker visas than any other U.S. outpost in the world. […]
Read MoreReconciliation in Sri Lanka: Harder than Ever – ICG says today
The International Crisis Group (ICG) which last week co-hosted the screening of the Channel 4 video Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields on Capitol Hill in its latest report (Asia Report No.20918)released today (July 18) says reconciliation in Sri Lanka seems like a distant Dream. Blaming the emergence of the authoritarian Rajapakse in the country and the […]
Read MoreCircus time: ‘Sinhalese’ protest Channel 4 documentary

LONDON: The Sinhalese and Tamil Diaspora periodically launch protests in their host countries galvanised by events that affect their particular tribe. Often they are financed, organised or encouraged by their political formations. The ones perceived as “Tamil” protests are often organised/encouraged by the LTTE or organisations, which are affiliated/sympathetic to the Tamil cause. The ones perceived […]
Read MoreMerchants of corruption ruin cricket as Sanga chooses to play the game

And it’s not for the sake of a ribboned coat/ Or the selfish hope of a season’s fame,/But his captain’s hand on his shoulder smote/”Play up! Play up! And play the game!” – Sir Henry Newbolt
Cricket, they say, is a gentleman’s game. The traditions that it has created and preserved, discipline that it has instilled in […]
India asks Sri Lanka to probe war crimes claims

July 15, 2011 (AFP) India on Friday urged Sri Lanka to examine claims made in a British documentary that said it targeted civilians while crushing Tamil Tiger rebels two years ago. The Channel 4 documentary, “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields” aired last month on British television contained footage of what it said were prisoner executions.
It also […]
The crucifixion of Kumara Sangakkara
Suppose, just suppose Kumar Sangakkara had said in his lecture at Lords that Mahindananda Aluthgamage was a most handsome/beautiful, wise, cultured, civilized, erudite and competent Minister whose knowledge of cricket exceeded that of Donald Bradman, Garfield Sobers and Neville Cardus combined; that the Sports Law of Sri Lanka which empowers even a Minister of Sports […]
Read MoreRestore the lost light; give me back the father of my children – Sandhya writes to Sri Lanka’s First Lady
US Congressional hearing on accountability in Sri Lanka to follow ban on development aid
Accountability, Reconciliation, Democracy
India’s Sri Lanka Problem:To be taken seriously as a major power, India must show that it has influence in its own backyard
Reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Harder than Ever – ICG says today
Circus time: ‘Sinhalese’ protest Channel 4 documentary
Merchants of corruption ruin cricket as Sanga chooses to play the game
India asks Sri Lanka to probe war crimes claims
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