Body of young protestor shot by police forcibly taken from house

Nirmala Kannangara | Published on August 13, 2011 at 3:06 pm

The body of slain Free Trade Zone worker Roshen Chanaka, shot by police as he engaged in peaceful protest June 30, had been forcibly removed from his home this morning sources, said.

Hoards of military personnel surrounded the Catholic Church where Roshen Chanaka's funeral service was held

The Chief Minister of the Western Provincial Council Prasanna Ranatunga, together with some other politicians and army personnel arrived at 9.30 this morning (Sri Lankan time) and forcibly removed his remains amidst pleas and protests from family members. The army then proceeded with the body to the Galoluwa Roman Catholic church in Minuwangoda where it is now lying.

Sensitive to the fact that these sporadic protests may burgeon to the proportions of an Arab Spring, Sri Lanka’s repressive Rajapakse regime have resorted to excessive force to crush any democratic dissent or protests.

This morning the Army had attempted to bury the body immediately even though the family had planned the burial at the Church burial ground for 3.30 this afternoon. (Sri Lankan time). However Large numbers of villagers flocked to the scene in protest and they have now succeeded in preventing the immediate burial of the body, Wasantha Samarasinghe, Chairman intercompany Employees Union told Lanka independent.

About 2500 Army personnel have however surrounded the church and environs Samarasinghe who is at the scene said.

We will bring you updates as the story unfolds





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Human Rights

Body of young protestor shot by police forcibly taken from house

The body of slain Free Trade Zone worker Roshen Chanaka, shot by police as he engaged in peaceful protest June 30, had been forcibly removed ...