Racing towards an Apocalypse?
This is the way the World ends; Not with a bang but a whimper –T S Elliot, The Hollow Men
Is it possible that our planet is heading for a worldwide apocalypse that will ravage humankind? Some of the best minds on the subject of nuclear holocaust met in the year 2007 to outline their plans for curtailing that realistic possibility. Meeting in October 2007 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, former U.S. Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger, along with former Defense Secretary William Perry and former Senator Sam Nunn, advanced their vision for a nuclear-free world and suggested steps to achieve that goal. Countless others join in concern over the pending abyss of nuclear wars, something that has been feared since the dawn of the Nuclear Age in 1945. (.“Toward a nuclear-free world” by George Schultz, William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger, and Sam Nunn, The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2008.)
Absence of human life not the end
The World appears to be rapidly moving towards disaster. The biblical definition of apocalypse in the Book of Revelation is “the final destruction of the world.” Obviously, the absence of human life would not mean the destruction of the planet, which would undoubtedly regenerate new life forms as time passes by. However, the cumulative pressure of resource overuse by expanding human numbers resulting in a population explosion has been understood by the majority of scientists for years, The current world population of 6.75 billion is predicted to grow to between 9 and 10 billion by the year 2050. As population density grows, the failure of governments to bring decent living conditions to the massively increased populations of many areas of the world contributes to anger and unrest.
In recent times the world powers are engaged in a competition to achieve superiority in nuclear weapons, while imposing sanctions on less powerful nations such as Iran to terminate these programs. While the race for nuclear superiority is raging the battle to control resources of petroleum deposits which are rapidly depleting has caused many conflicts in the Middle Eastern countries. Researchers state that world oil production has peaked while energy supplies from alternative sources—such as wind, sun, nuclear, ethanol, and shale oil—are seen either as inadequate short-term fixes or as being far from technologically feasible.
Middle-eastern instability
There is growing instability in the Middle Eastern region due to many uprisings popularly known as the Arab Spring. The

There has been a Mayan prediction that the world will end one year from today, that is on 12th December 2012
Heads of State in Tunisia , Egypt and Libya have already been deposed. The Syrian regime is in its final stages. In Bahrain too there are protests against the rulers. Iran is under threat of sanctions against its nuclear proliferation programs. The Israelis have enhanced their hostilities against the Palestinians. Russians are in the process of strengthening their missile position fearing a threat from the United States . The United States is similarly enhancing its missile positions using a possible threat from Iran as an excuse. The relationship between India and China has eroded to a great extent. The situation in the world is getting increasingly volatile as time goes by.
There has been a Mayan prediction that the world will end one year from today, that is on 12th December 2012,(12-12-2012).
Economic collapse
In addition the world is also heading towards an economic apocalypse in 2012.As the world population increases the food prices all over the world are soaring resulting in starvation in many African countries such as Ethiopia . Judging from mass protests presently taking place in the United States and the United Kingdom poverty in these countries is on the rise. Unemployment in the United States and the United Kingdom has risen to hitherto unheard levels. Recently it was reported that Greece and some other European countries are facing a debt crisis. China is fast gaining economic superiority over the United States resulting in growing tension between the two nations.
The threat posed by global warming has created some interest in the need to protect the global environment on which human beings depend, although the argument that the warming is primarily due to excessive human production of carbon has been challenged by some respected scientists who believe that current temperature changes have solar roots. Regardless of the outcome of this debate, actions necessary to control industrial emissions are unlikely to be adopted by the new polluters, China and India . Some observers state that due to global warming the ice bergs in the Himalayan mountain range and the poles may melt causing a devastating flood which may engulf the world. The damage caused to the protective ozone layer thereby exposing the earth to the harmful radiation from the Sun is also causing grave concern
It is time that the world leaders sit together and resolve their disputes, stop the race for superiority in nuclear power, the competition for the control of the petroleum resources in the Middle East and concentrate on countering the disasters that are confronting the world at the present time for the greater good and survival of the human race and life on earth in the future.