Monthly Archives: March 2012
U.S. Introduces HRC Resolution Promoting Reconciliation and Accountablity in Sri Lanka

Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America
Introduction of Draft Resolution L.2 on Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka
Delivered by Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe
Human Rights Council 19th Session
March 22, 2012: The United States is pleased to introduce draft resolution L.2, on Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka for consideration and approval by […]
State Media must not be part of hate campaign

There is an ongoing media campaign against some key Human Rights workers and the NGOs who have spoken out in favor of the proposed resolution on Sri Lanka at the sessions of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The campaign to vilify and incite hatred
towards these NGOs and human rights activists in the context […]
The death of Colonel Ramesh

New evidence of the murder of one man is key to revealing a conspiracy behind mass murder. This evidence, shown and told in The Global Mail’s story, is graphic and confronting. The issue is now being debated by the United Nations. Research by Joel Keep.
This single murder, insignificant of itself, suggests the systematic, large-scale killing […]
Read MoreLanguage rights in Sri Lanka: Display of bus route boards in all three languages

20 March 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka: That signboards are in Tamil on most buses plying in the North and East, and in Sinhala on those outside of these two provinces, was the basis of four submissions to the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka made by Lionel Guruge on behalf of the Centre for Policy […]
Read MorePM’s Sri Lanka resolution statement is evasive and useless: Jayalalithaa

Chennai, March 19: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Monday termed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement in parliament on the US resolution
against Sri Lanka as “evasive” and “useless”.
She also accused DMK president M. Karunanidhi of “enacting a deceitful drama” of calling a meeting of the party’s high level committee Tuesday and announcing a hunger strike […]
U.N. panel seeks vote on carnage in Sri Lanka

GENEVA — Even as it faces new demands to act to protect civilians in Syria, the United Nations Human Rights Council will vote this week on an American-led initiative calling on Sri Lanka to account for the carnage that ended its civil war three years ago, a move that has become the focus of a […]
Read MoreIndia likely to vote against Sri Lanka for alleged war crimes, says PM

New Delhi:The Prime Minister said today in Parliament that India is inclined to vote against Sri Lanka at a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in
Geneva. A resolution against the Sri Lankan government for alleged war crimes and human rights violations has been moved by the US, Norway and France. “We do not […]
Combating Racism

Statement made at the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. 20/3/2012
La Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense
des Droits de l’Homme (RADDHO)
Item – 9
General Debate on Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up on and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action
20 March 2012
Statement by Visuvalingam KIRUPAHARAN
Madam President
The present […]
Adopt Geneva resolution through consensus

A vote on the US-sponsored resolution aimed at promoting reconciliation in Sri Lanka is scheduled to take place later this week at the conclusion of the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Bitterness
and rancor have accompanied the debate in Geneva.
The thrust of the proposed resolution in Geneva is the implementation of […]
If Sri Lanka wins in Geneva LLRC may not be implemented

“If Sri Lanka succeeds in defeating the US-sponsored resolution there will be a renewal of government confidence in its policies of governance. It will mean that the government will continue to assert that national security and economic development constitute the pillars of national reconciliation. It may be for these reasons that the government has not […]
Read MoreState Media must not be part of hate campaign
Language rights in Sri Lanka: Display of bus route boards in all three languages
PM’s Sri Lanka resolution statement is evasive and useless: Jayalalithaa
U.N. panel seeks vote on carnage in Sri Lanka
India likely to vote against Sri Lanka for alleged war crimes, says PM
Adopt Geneva resolution through consensus
If Sri Lanka wins in Geneva LLRC may not be implemented
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