Monthly Archives: September 2012
More Sri Lankan asylum seekers return to Colombo instead of Nauru

A second group of Sri Lankan men left Christmas Island this morning, choosing instead to return to Colombo rather than be sent to Nauru while their claims for asylum were processed.
“Regular transfers to Nauru and more Sri Lankans returning home is further proof that people smugglers only sell lies and make false promises about what […]
Sri Lanka most cost effective tourist destination for Britons says report

Head east for long-haul value
Britons in search of winter sun will find their money stretching farthest in Sri Lanka and south-east Asia, new research has shown.
Sri Lanka is the most cost-effective long-haul destination for Britons, according to the Post Office Photo: ALAMY
The Post Office’s annual “Long Haul Report”, which compares the cost of restaurant meals, drinks […]
Read MoreStunned at anti India sentiment: India to discuss Kudankulam nuclear power plant with Sri Lanka –

NEW DELHI: Taken aback by what it describes as “propaganda” in Sri Lanka against the
Kudankulam nuclear power plant, India has offered to discuss the safety aspect of the pressurized water reactors with Lankan authorities. The dialogue mechanism between the two nations for cooperation on nuclear issues will include talks on Kudankulam safety when a Sri […]
The Menik Farm Lie: ‘Who says we are resettled’ asks an IDP

“As you know the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) will take place in Geneva in November, 2012. It is through this the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) will examine the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. The government wants to score marks by announcing that they were able to re-settle all the IDPs who were […]
Read MoreThe elusive game changer in Sri Lanka’s politics

However much the Opposition in general or the United National Party in particular, tries to
dislodge the present incumbent regiment, they will not succeed unless and until they find a game-changing issue.
Deified by some
If an issue is found that has the potential for changing the game, the issue itself will find a leader to lead the […]
“Why can’t we all just get along”`

Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye with one another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship….So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth -Bahaullah(Unity)
This column dedicated to the fulfillment of the aspirations of Sri Lankan society turns its
spotlight […]
Rajapaksas have rendered the judiciary as subservient as the armed forces or the police

“…they were cunning, ignorant and cruel like old beasts of prey and…if we let ourselves be overcome by fear or piety, they would finally destroy us”. Jose Luis Borges (Ragnarök)
The king can do no wrong’ was a foundational premise of absolute monarchy. The Rajapaksas
have taken this anti-democratic concept to the nethermost extreme. In Rajapaksa Sri […]
Sri Lanka’s internet freedom deteriorating as world govts grow increasingly repressive online

“Countries at Risk: As part of its analysis, Freedom House identified a number of important countries that are seen as particularly vulnerable to deterioration in the coming 12 months: Azerbaijan, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka” – Report
Washington DC: Brutal attacks against bloggers, politically motivated surveillance, proactive manipulation of web content, and restrictive laws […]
The government, the LLRC and what civil society can do

“The entire section of the LLRC Report that deals with the issue of missing and disappeared persons and the trauma it has wreaked on the lives of possibly tens of thousands of families has been entirely ignored by the LLRC Action Plan. As many as nine LLRC recommendations that are in paragraphs 9.43 to 9.60 […]
Read MoreThe Reformists must criticise the ruling regime and the Rajapaksas not Ranil

The Reformists
The Reformist groups’ attempt to oust the current leader of the United National Party seems to
have experienced some serious setbacks. Ranil Wickremesinghe is still the leader; his Working Committee is still intact and as committed to him as it was at the height of the crisis. Although the Party suffered yet another humiliating electoral […]
Sri Lanka most cost effective tourist destination for Britons says report
Stunned at anti India sentiment: India to discuss Kudankulam nuclear power plant with Sri Lanka –
The Menik Farm Lie: ‘Who says we are resettled’ asks an IDP
The elusive game changer in Sri Lanka’s politics
Rajapaksas have rendered the judiciary as subservient as the armed forces or the police
Sri Lanka’s internet freedom deteriorating as world govts grow increasingly repressive online
The government, the LLRC and what civil society can do
The Reformists must criticise the ruling regime and the Rajapaksas not Ranil
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