Monthly Archives: November 2012
Impeachment: Rule of Law and Independence of the Judiciary

The Preamble to the 1978 Constitution sets out the Mandate given by the Sovereign People to assure to all peoples FREEDOM, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS and THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY, as the intangible heritage that guarantees the dignity and well being of succeeding generations of the Peoples of Sri Lanka. Significantly “Justice” and […]
Read MoreSri Lanka’s government has shown it can dispose of obstacles to its path without delay
Passing judgement
The process of impeaching Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake has commenced in earnest. The Parliamentary Select Committee to investigate and pass judgment on her has been appointed with a 7-4 government majority and consists of very senior government and opposition members. It has been very prompt in serving the charges against her. The Chief Justice […]
Sri Lanka’s potentials for a dynamic economy
Stéphanie Magalage participated in the French-Sri Lankan Diaspora Youth Workshop “Post-War Reconciliation Dialogue for a Sustainable Peace”, which took place in Paris, on October 27th, 2012, as a panelist on the theme “Towards an effective and sustainable economic development”. The event was organized by What’s Next!, an independent forum comprising of post-graduates and young professionals of […]
Read MoreSri Lanka stock market flooded with LTTE blood money – Mangala
“As I said on the floor of this house last week, during the adjournment debate on KP Pathmanathan there are reasonable grounds to believe that part of the black money which has flooded into the stock market in Colombo as well as some of the FDI in Colombo is LTTE blood money. In fact, it […]
Read MoreUN has a second chance to right wrongs on Sri Lanka
Getting away with murder
THERE is little doubt that in 2009 the government of Sri Lanka pulled off one of the nastiest episodes of mass killing since the Rwandan genocide – and got away with it. Tens of thousands of civilians were massacred, with barely a trickle of Syria-like imagery emerging from the battle zone.
In a […]
Autonomy within unitary structure paradoxical – Peter Schalk

Sri Lanka’s ambassador in France, Dayan Jayatilleke, calling for “autonomy within a unitary structure,” at a seminar in Paris earlier this month was a political-populist statement, responded Professor Emeritus Peter Schalk, who participated the seminar arranged by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). A unitary structure excludes autonomy. A social scientist would not have […]
After the guns fell silent…

“We are free, but not to be evil, not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to profit from the people, from the work created and sustained through their spirit of political association, while refusing to contribute to the political state that we profit from.” – Jose Marti
Remember the day
Remember the day, May 18, 2009? The […]
It’s Not Mahinda vs Shirani; It’s the Rajapaksas vs the Rest

“For the Rajapaksas and for the rest of us, the impeachment is the Rubicon. Once this is crossed, there will be no turning back, and barring a miracle, Lankans will have to become resigned to a seemingly endless Rajapaksa future. Realistically the options before us will be reduced to servitude, death/imprisonment or exile. Vellupillai Pirapaharan did […]
Read MoreCameron urged to boycott 2013 Commonwealth Summit in Sri Lanka

An influential group of MPs has urged David Cameron to boycott a Commonwealth summit in
Sri Lanka over human rights abuses.
The Foreign Affairs Committee said the decision to hold the Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo next year was “wrong”.
The call came in a report on the future of the Commonwealth, which delivered a wider warning […]
Read the full Internal Review Panel Report

Interestingly please note that on P11 a sentence is blacked out. But they haven’t erased the underlying data. So by using copy and paste you can extract and read the redacted sentence
” several USG participants and the RC did not stand by the casualty numbers, saying that the data were ‘not verified’. Participants in the meeting questioned […]
Read MoreSri Lanka’s government has shown it can dispose of obstacles to its path without delay
Sri Lanka stock market flooded with LTTE blood money – Mangala
UN has a second chance to right wrongs on Sri Lanka
Autonomy within unitary structure paradoxical – Peter Schalk
It’s Not Mahinda vs Shirani; It’s the Rajapaksas vs the Rest
Cameron urged to boycott 2013 Commonwealth Summit in Sri Lanka
Read the full Internal Review Panel Report
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