Monthly Archives: December 2012
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is lying

“We were like people marooned on a dissolving floe of ice; we dare not think of the moment when it would melt away”- Czeslaw Milosz (The Captive Mind)
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is lying.
The President is lying when he says that he was not in favour of the impeachment, initially. The President is lying when he says that […]
Impeachment: A Rajapaksa style chainsaw massacre

“The first waves of a sea of fire….” Ivo Andrić (The Bridge over the Drina)
Sprint to the finish
The Rajapaksas, those Wonder-Brothers, have wrought another miracle. They have beaten Usain Bolt, hollow.
The impeachment of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake deserves to enter the annals of world history and the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest impeachment […]
Sri Lanka: Tamil Women Coerced into Joining the Military

Women’s Action Network (WAN), as a collective of 11 women’s groups from the North and the
East, is deeply concerned by the recent efforts to recruit women into the military in the districts of Killinochchi and Mullaitheevu.
Post-war development has failed to provide the most basic needs for those who live in Killinochchi and Mullaitheevu, especially the […]
The Rajapaksa government – nothing more than the LTTE by another name

When I returned home in 1995 with our pet Dalmatian with its spots, hostile crowds gathered around us at Katunayake with shouts of Koti-Balla (Tiger-Dog). On other trips I had been taken straight to the Katunayake Police Station, and held up at Vanuniya and released after my friend travelling with me was arrested.
Would be shot
I […]
More students activists in Jaffna to be quizzed by police over undisclosed charges
UPDATE: On the morning of 6th December, 2012, the Kopai Police have handed over a list of a further 10 students to the University authorities to be handed over to the Police for questioning, over an undisclosed charge. The list includes five students from the University of Jaffna (UoJ) Medical Faculty and the Presidents of […]
Read MoreSri Lanka: Chief justice verbally abused and ridiculed as a ‘mad woman’ by PSC members

Media Release
6th December 2012
Today the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake walked out of the Parliamentary Select Committee in protest in the face of hostile and biased conduct of the government members of the PSC so as to ensure the dignity of the judiciary of Sri Lanka.
The Chief Justice reiterates that she is […]
Deal with the past constructively

Potential to inflame
The events surrounding the attempts by students of Jaffna University to commemorate those
who died in the war, unless speedily corrected, has the potential to inflame ethnic tensions and obstruct the post war reconciliation process. The students were lighting lamps on November27, the date formerly commemorated by the LTTE as their Heroes Day. […]
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Absurdistan

“….Cicero’s tongue will have to be torn out, Copernicus’s eyes gouged out, and Shakespeare stoned. That is my system.” – Dostoyevsky (The Possessed)
Removed as usual
With the speed of lightening and without as much as a nano-ripple, the Rajapaksa regime
removed Neville Gunawardana, the ‘crime-busting’ Director General of the Customs.
Probing the leak rather than the company
Mr. […]
Call to protect Sharmila Seyyid’s right to free speech
“Subsequently, on 20th November 2012, a women’s rights activist from Eravur in Batticaloa, Sharmila Seyyid, during the course of an interview with the BBC (Tamil service) expressed the view that if sex work is legalised in Sri Lanka, it may protect sex-workers. Her comments have resulted in a backlash from some sections within the Muslim […]
Read MoreSri Lanka: The arrest of four Tamil students in Jaffna widely condemned

6th December, 2012
Statement Condemning the Arrest and Unlawful Detention of Four Students from the University of Jaffna, and Calling for their Immediate Release
We the undersigned, strongly condemn the arrest of four students of the University of Jaffna (UoJ) by the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID) on Thursday, November 29, 2012. While welcoming the release of Kanesamoorthy […]
Impeachment: A Rajapaksa style chainsaw massacre
Sri Lanka: Tamil Women Coerced into Joining the Military
The Rajapaksa government – nothing more than the LTTE by another name
More students activists in Jaffna to be quizzed by police over undisclosed charges
Sri Lanka: Chief justice verbally abused and ridiculed as a ‘mad woman’ by PSC members
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Absurdistan
Call to protect Sharmila Seyyid’s right to free speech
Sri Lanka: The arrest of four Tamil students in Jaffna widely condemned
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