Monthly Archives: April 2013
Duplicitous bullying of Sri Lanka by USA in the guise of protecting human rights

I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depth of his heart and speaks forth another – Homer Illiad (Deceit)
Sison and next steps
It was reported in recent media reports that US Ambassador Michele J. Sison in an address to the Foreign Correspondents Association in
Colombo spoke “about the next steps for US engagement with Sri […]
Sri Lanka says its will not change policy towards US, as extremism overruns island

The Sri Lankan government continues to be unyielding in its approach to governance and reconciliation issues. Having fought against the United States for two successive years in the diplomatic arena at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and failed
to win against it, the government now appears to have changed its strategy. It has hired […]
Is Bodhu Bala Sena Sri Lanka’s Taliban?

“Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor.” ~Arnold J. Toynbee
Base instincts
Fundamentalism, whether it’s Christianity, Islam or any other religion has been the order of the day in modern society. Its attraction to the elements that dwell on the fringes of any religion is beyond doubt. Its perverse focus on […]
Sri Lanka not a multi-racial or multi-religious country says Bodhu Bala Sena

The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) says Sri Lanka is not a multiracial or multi-religious country but a Sinhala Budhist country.
Speaking at the Bodu Bala Sena convention in Panadura on MArch 24, 2013 the venerable Medagoda Abayathissa thero urged the Sinhalese to protect the nation and not let other races or religions to take over.
The monk […]
Sri Lanka: Cheating Tamils and demonising Muslims, that is the Rajapaksa way

“With or without anticipation, Israeli policies helped shaped the kinds of enemies that pledge to sacrifice their lives to fight the Jewish state…”
Saul Landau (IPS – 29.2.2009)
Political marketeers
The Rajapaksas are masters at the art of political marketing. They have developed an ‘all you need to know’ crash course in building innocuous facades to hide insalubrious […]
Sri Lanka: Racism, religious fanaticism and the Bodu Bala Sena

Taking on Sinhala racists
I wasn’t at the vigil because I don’t do vigils and if I were to make an exception it would be for an anti-BBS/SR demonstration spearheaded by
the Left (in our case that would be the JVP and FSP), as are most anti-racist demonstrations all over the world. That is in fact the […]
Sri Lanka says its will not change policy towards US, as extremism overruns island
Sri Lanka not a multi-racial or multi-religious country says Bodhu Bala Sena
Sri Lanka: Cheating Tamils and demonising Muslims, that is the Rajapaksa way
Sri Lanka: Racism, religious fanaticism and the Bodu Bala Sena
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