Obituary – Death of twin brother and sister
Death of twin brother and sister
J. U’stice and T. Ruth, beloved twin children born to parents Lanka Raj and Lanka Rani, beloved nephew and niece of H. O’nesty and B. Ravery passed away in unfortunate circumstances in the halls of PSC, located near Sri Jayewardenepura, at the hands of goons led by Y. Apa and […]
Mervyn de Silva: Enlightened dissent

Mervyn de Silva, journalist, commentator and literary critic—and his legendary professional career of over four decades–are encapsulated here to commemorate the 13th anniversary of his passing away. The underlying themes
that sustained Mervyn’s thoughts culled from insights privy to me and a choice sampling of Mervyn’s slick repartee recalled by Thalif Deen are presented here. We […]
A Tribute to Marie Colvin

In May, 2003, I travelled around Iraq reporting on its oil industry. Before reaching Baghdad, I got in touch with Marie Colvin, who was there covering the war and its aftermath for the Sunday Times, where I worked from 1986 to
1993. She wrote back to say that she was staying at a hunt club in […]
N G P Panditharatne-a personification of honour and integrity

“A man has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.”– Walter Lippman
During the last fifty years, our public service has been blessed with extraordinarily talented men and women, be in the field of law, medicine, politics, engineering or
general administration. Some have shown almost […]
Good bye Joe: A great actor and a greater humanist, we’ll miss you

In the final interview that Gamini Fonsekagave the press before he passed away on September 30, 2004 he was asked one last question:
“Including yourself, who do you think is the best actor that Sri Lanka produced?” Gamini did not hesitate even a second. He came out with the answer: “Joe Abeywickrama”. Gamini Fonseka was never […]