The elusive game changer in Sri Lanka’s politics

However much the Opposition in general or the United National Party in particular, tries to
dislodge the present incumbent regiment, they will not succeed unless and until they find a game-changing issue.
Deified by some
If an issue is found that has the potential for changing the game, the issue itself will find a leader to lead the […]
“Why can’t we all just get along”`

Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch. Deal ye with one another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship….So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth -Bahaullah(Unity)
This column dedicated to the fulfillment of the aspirations of Sri Lankan society turns its
spotlight […]
Rajapaksas have rendered the judiciary as subservient as the armed forces or the police

“…they were cunning, ignorant and cruel like old beasts of prey and…if we let ourselves be overcome by fear or piety, they would finally destroy us”. Jose Luis Borges (Ragnarök)
The king can do no wrong’ was a foundational premise of absolute monarchy. The Rajapaksas
have taken this anti-democratic concept to the nethermost extreme. In Rajapaksa Sri […]
Sri Lanka’s internet freedom deteriorating as world govts grow increasingly repressive online

“Countries at Risk: As part of its analysis, Freedom House identified a number of important countries that are seen as particularly vulnerable to deterioration in the coming 12 months: Azerbaijan, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka” – Report
Washington DC: Brutal attacks against bloggers, politically motivated surveillance, proactive manipulation of web content, and restrictive laws […]
The Reformists must criticise the ruling regime and the Rajapaksas not Ranil

The Reformists
The Reformist groups’ attempt to oust the current leader of the United National Party seems to
have experienced some serious setbacks. Ranil Wickremesinghe is still the leader; his Working Committee is still intact and as committed to him as it was at the height of the crisis. Although the Party suffered yet another humiliating electoral […]
Sri Lanka’s infamous Menik farm IDP camp to shut down later this month

SEPTEMBER 21, 2012: Menik Farm in northern Sri Lanka, once one of the world’s largest camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs), is to close by the end of September, say government officials.
“By 30 September the camp will be empty,” Minister of Resettlement Gunaratne Weerakoon told
IRIN in Colombo, noting that the final group of 1,185 IDPs […]
Ten critical Human Rights challenges for the next American President

The upcoming presidential election and inauguration of the next administration is a critical moment to review and update U.S. policy on human
rights. Among the challenges the United States faces in the coming years are human rights abuses committed by governments and other actors across the globe that flout internationally accepted principles and undermine U.S. values […]
Silencing dissent

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
-John Stuart Mill (Liberty)
This column dedicated to the notion of fulfilling the aspirations of Sri […]
Silenced Voices speak – the real Sri Lanka story

Lasantha Wickrematunge is probably not a name most people in the Western World would recognize. His martyrdom as the editor-in-chief of Sri Lanka’s critical newspaper, The Sunday Leader was, unlike the parts that Hollywood trouble-seeking trailblazers like George Clooney or Matt Damon play, not a role he wanted. But Lasantha loved to tell the truth.
Seekers […]
SRI LANKA: Drought link with kidney disease risk

COLOMBO, 28 August 2012 (IRIN) – Soaring temperatures in Sri Lanka’s dry zone in the northeast of the country are likely to heighten the risk of
chronic kidney disease as residents increasingly consume poor quality drinking water, experts warn.
More than a decade since the first cases of the fatal disease were reported, health experts are now […]