Mass christening of baby elephants held in Sri Lanka

10JUNE2012: 15 baby elephants born at Sri Lanka’s biggest elephant orphanage were christened in a mass service today.
The event, which is the biggest so far held at the Pinnawala orphanage saw the baby elephants being given names chosen from thousands of visitors suggestions.
Some were given western sounding names such as Elvina, whilst others now carry […]
The long arm of the Sri Lankan government – the harassment of Matthew Lee

The UN should not be taking the side of the bullies, nor should they be adding to the confusion and speculation by failing to renew Lee’s accreditation. As for the UNCA; their role is to stand up for its members, not to expel them and we can see no justification for the continuation of this […]
Read MoreWhither Sri Lanka after four decades of being a Republic?

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton (1834-1902) Letter
This column dedicated to the notion of fulfilling the aspirations of Sri Lankan society turns its spotlight on the aspirations of Sri
Lankans to be governed by a constitution that is geared towards ensuring a happy existence in Sri Lanka.
A discussion was held on […]
Surrendering airwaves & liberty to nepotism

A Governance Analysis of Frequency Allocation & TV Rights in Present Sri Lanka
Frequency Allocation- A Grand Corruption?
Understanding the state capture by Kleptocrats does not require a dedicated study; it is easily recognizable. For the benefit of keen
students of governance, let me begin this article with the definition of Kleptocracy: “A form of political and government […]
SRI LANKA: Former Tiger fighters battle for a normal life

BATTICALOA, 28 May 2012 (IRIN) – Three years after Sri Lanka’s 26-year civil war ended, thousands of former fighters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) face an uphill battle in re-establishing themselves, despite government efforts to
rehabilitate them.
“I’m struggling a lot economically. I don’t regret the loss of the LTTE, but I wish there […]
Govt must build on Ranil’s initiative to bridge gap with TNA and revive dialogue

Black mark
When assessing the government’s post-war performance it is the issues of accountability on human rights issues and a political
solution to the ethnic conflict that take the international centre stage. On both of these counts the Government of Sri Lanka would fare poorly in international estimation. The governmental decision to reject a request by the […]
Wars are not gentlemanly affairs: Sri Lanka shouldn’t fear int’l probe

Wars are not gentlemanly affairs. They are won by the most ruthless and aggressive side. Surely, no army has ever triumphed
without some acts of savagery perpetrated in the heat of battle by frightened soldiers who know they must kill or be killed.
War crimes are less about such slayings, deplorable though they are, but more about […]
The Fonseka release, Rajapakse strategy and international pressure

The news of the presidential pardon for former army commander Sarath Fonseka which could see him free from prison would be welcomed by most Sri Lankans regardless of their political persuasions. At the time of his imprisonment it was scarcely possible to
believe that the former army commander who had been hailed by the government as […]
Let the army make it next time

In bigger barracks
2 JUNE 2011: IN THE run-up to Vesak, the holiest day in the Buddhist calendar, which this year coincided with the second anniversary of its victory against the Tamil Tiger rebels, Sri Lanka’s armed forces had plenty to do. The throngs who clogged Colombo’s streets on May 18th for the festival of light […]
Rumours of Freedom: Whither Fonseka now

“I think there is one higher office than president and I would call that patriot” – Gary Hart
The grapevine has been rife with many a gossip and rumour over the last couple days about the impending pardon/release of General
Fonseka. The reasons adduced and scenarios imagined for this atmosphere are many and diverse. However, the electricity that […]