More students activists in Jaffna to be quizzed by police over undisclosed charges
UPDATE: On the morning of 6th December, 2012, the Kopai Police have handed over a list of a further 10 students to the University authorities to be handed over to the Police for questioning, over an undisclosed charge. The list includes five students from the University of Jaffna (UoJ) Medical Faculty and the Presidents of […]
Read MoreSri Lanka: Chief justice verbally abused and ridiculed as a ‘mad woman’ by PSC members

Media Release
6th December 2012
Today the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake walked out of the Parliamentary Select Committee in protest in the face of hostile and biased conduct of the government members of the PSC so as to ensure the dignity of the judiciary of Sri Lanka.
The Chief Justice reiterates that she is […]
The Democratic Socialist Republic of Absurdistan

“….Cicero’s tongue will have to be torn out, Copernicus’s eyes gouged out, and Shakespeare stoned. That is my system.” – Dostoyevsky (The Possessed)
Removed as usual
With the speed of lightening and without as much as a nano-ripple, the Rajapaksa regime
removed Neville Gunawardana, the ‘crime-busting’ Director General of the Customs.
Probing the leak rather than the company
Mr. […]
Dayan sends loaded message to Sri Lankan bureaucrats and politicians in farewell speech

“This event is the commencement of my process of transition. I have begun my farewell with
this gathering of friends from the Sri Lankan community in Paris because my wife Sanja and I
shall be leaving France, somewhere early in the New Year in January. My two year term has come to an end or will come […]
The unmet task of the political opposition

Determined to impeach
The government appears determined to go ahead with the impeachment of the Chief Justice. So
far the attempts to broker a mutually acceptable solution have not yielded success. Not even the messages sent by the highest religious dignitaries or their joint statements have had their desired impact. There have also been civil society initiatives […]
Sri Lanka: Patriotism for the Rajapaksas is a means to an end

“… not to be a fanatic means to be, to some extent and in some way, a traitor in the eyes of the fanatic”– Amos Oz (How to cure a fanatic)
Removing a Nail in the Tiger’s Coffin, on VP’s Birthday
What if after the defeat of the JVP insurgency, the Premadasa administration prevented Sinhala families from […]
Read MoreDeportation no deterrent to Sri Lankans

AUSTRALIA’S promise to rapidly deport failed asylum seekers to Sri Lanka is failing to deter people from boarding boats, with some even considering trying again after being sent home.
700 asylum seekerrs deported
Some 700 Sri Lankan asylum seekers have been deported by Australia, nearly 600 of them against their will. But more than 6000 have […]
Separatist dreams: Just hot air and hurt feelings

Violent movements
In other parts of the world, separatist movements are usually violent (e.g. Kashmir, Sri Lanka,
the various Kurdish revolts) and they sometimes succeed (South Sudan, Eritrea, East Timor). Whereas in the prosperous, democratic countries of the West, they are generally peaceful, frivolous, and unsuccessful.
Pipe dreams in the West
A case in point is the […]
Sri Lanka:The clash of identities
Kamaya Jayatissa participated at the French-Sri Lankan Diaspora Youth Workshop “Post-War Reconciliation Dialogue for a Sustainable Peace”, which took place in Paris, on October 27th, 2012. She intervened as a panelist on the theme “Individual and collective identity(ies): between search and struggle”.
The event was organized by What’s Next!, an independent forum comprising of post-graduates and […]
From Rajapaksa Economics to Rajapaksa Justice

“In the end the impeachment is really about us, our security and our future. Are we going to allow the Rajapaksas to do to the judiciary what they have done to politics and economics? Are we going to prove that there is no sleep like the feigned sleep of the cowardly and the indifferent?”
“We can neither […]