After the guns fell silent…

“We are free, but not to be evil, not to be indifferent to human suffering, not to profit from the people, from the work created and sustained through their spirit of political association, while refusing to contribute to the political state that we profit from.” – Jose Marti
Remember the day
Remember the day, May 18, 2009? The […]
It’s Not Mahinda vs Shirani; It’s the Rajapaksas vs the Rest

“For the Rajapaksas and for the rest of us, the impeachment is the Rubicon. Once this is crossed, there will be no turning back, and barring a miracle, Lankans will have to become resigned to a seemingly endless Rajapaksa future. Realistically the options before us will be reduced to servitude, death/imprisonment or exile. Vellupillai Pirapaharan did […]
Read More‘Trial of the Chief Justice’ by a Kangaroo Court

Parliamentary Select Committee
A senior government source is reported to have stated on November 8, 2012 that “The PSC will
work out the modalities for the sittings. It will only allow a single counsel to accompany the Chief Justice and would allow witnesses or documents to be called only with the consent of a majority of members,” and also that “the […]
Sri Lanka: Shameful Stifling Of Freedom Of Expression

Tuesday, 11 November 2012: It is heartening to witness an element of angry vigor emanating from Sri Lanka’s legal profession against the pending impeachment of the country’s
Chief Justice. The resolutions issued by the general membership of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka yesterday expressing concern over the impeachment and the indignation displayed by provincial Bar Associations […]
Impeachment mark of Rajapaksa hubris

“You’d wear out a marionette of steel if you pulled the string and jerked it all day long”
Diderot (Rameau’s Nephew)
The impeachment of the Chief Justice is neither the beginning nor the end of the Rajapaksa-rush towards absolutism. But it does constitute a watershed moment in that journey, perhaps its final really-existing breaking-point.
Whether the impeachment boomerangs […]
UN ‘failed Sri Lanka civilians’, says internal probe

UN failed
The United Nations failed in its mandate to protect civilians in the last months of Sri Lanka’s
bloody civil war, a leaked draft of a highly critical internal UN report says.
“Events in Sri Lanka mark a grave failure of the UN,” it concludes.
The government and Tamil rebels are accused of war crimes in the brutal […]
Sri Lanka Opposition Calls Prison Deaths Massacre

NEWS: Sri Lanka’s main opposition party described the deaths of 27 inmates after a prison riot
as a “cold-blooded massacre” and demanded a parliamentary investigation. Authorities have said the prisoners died in a shootout.
Mangala Samaraweera, a lawmaker for United National party, said that he had information that most of the prisoners killed during Friday’s clash had […]
US Supreme Court to consider overturning vital achievement of Civil Rights Movement

Voting-Rights Law Gets Supreme Court Review
The Supreme Court will consider overturning a signal achievement of the civil rights movement, agreeing to hear a challenge to part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act in a case loaded with racial and political ramifications.
Acting three days after minority voters propelled President Barack Obama to re-election, the court Friday […]
Impeachment of CJ: The state ready to ride rough shod over the people of Sri Lanka and create havoc

Sovereignty of the Sri Lankan People under the 1978 Constitution is one and indivisible.
“Sovereignty of the Sri Lankan People under the 1978 Constitution is one and indivisible It
remains with the People. It is only the exercise of certain Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers of the Sovereign People that are delegated to the Parliament, the Executiveand the Judiciary under Article 4. Fundamental […]
The Government’s fight against the Judiciary… A necessary evil on an evil journey

“There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.”
– Walt Whitman
Fascinating story
Impeachment motions in Sri Lanka have a fascinating history. It is a story that can be told by
grandparents to their grandchildren, captivating the ever-elusive attention of the […]