Joint Services Command admits past mistakes due to political pressure, say committed to upholding law tomorrow

07th January 2015
1. The Joint Services Command consisting of patriotic senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy and Sri Lanka Air Force, with the support of Junior Officers and Other Ranks hereby hold presidential candidate Mahinda Rajapaksha, the Cabinet of Ministers, Speaker of the Parliament, Members of Parliament, Members of Provincial Councils, Regional Councils, […]
Lasantha, Mahinda and the significance of polling day – Open Letter to President Rajapakse

07 January 2015
His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa
President of Sri Lanka
Presidential Secretariat
Colombo 1
Dear Mr President,
The Importance of January 8th – Lasantha Wickrematunge’s murder
The irony of the presidential election being fixed for the sixth anniversary of the day on which my husband and your ‘friend’, Lasantha Wickrematunge, was assassinated, may have escaped you. It has not escaped me.
Lasantha […]
Sara sends stern letter to ITN over false news report

Letter to Independent Television Network (ITN)
Mr. Rosmand Senaratne,
Independent Television Network (ITN),
16 July 2013
Dear Mr. Senaratne,
I am writing with reference to the Sinhala language 7 pm news broadcast of the Independent Television Network (ITN) on Sunday 14th July 2013.
An item on this news bulletin stated that the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) and I, organised a […]
BASL urges the President and his cohorts to honour the Judiciary

BASL Statement (8th January 2013)
The Bar Association of Sri Lanka strongly, unequivocally and with no reservations whatsoever condemns the decision to take up for debate the impeachment motion against her Ladyship the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani A. Bandaranayake based on the findings of the Parliamentary Select Committee which was quashed by the Court of Appeal and determined to be […]
Respect the decision of the Supreme Court or face lawlessness says JSA

Statement issued by the Judicial Service Association of Sri Lanka.
The Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka exercising exclusive jurisdiction to interpret the Constitution vested under Article 125 of the Constitution has held that the Parliamentary Select Committee procedure which found the Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake guilty was unconstitutional.
The Judicial Service […]
Opposition writes to Chamal: Debate on impeachment violates Constitution

8th January 2013
Hon. Speaker
The Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.
Hon Speaker,
Debate on the impeachment of the Hon. Chief Justice
We write to express our protest against the decision taken at the Party Leaders’ meeting yesterday to take the above matter up for debate in Parliament on 10th and 11th January, 2013.
Speaker […]
Canada: More furore over personalised stamps bearing Tamil Tiger symbols

NEWS: The Sri Lanka United National Association of Canada has written a letter to Rona Ambrose Canada’s Minister of Public Works and Government services calling on
her to ban personalised stamps bearing symbols of the LTTE (Tamil Tigers). The letter alleges the Tamil Youth Organisation has misused the Canada Post service.
Below are excerpts of the letter […]
Open letter to the Elected Representatives of the UNP…

We all entered politics at various points of our lives not because we wanted to serve our kith and kin but the people. All of us have been elected at the levels which we chose as our strong domain, be it Parliament, Provincial Council, Municipality, Urban Council or Pradesheeya Sabha. Our areas of influence and […]
A Letter to Lasantha’s Widow

As Lasantha’s widow Sonali by now you may be weary of the flood of well-deserved tributes to a compassionate and undoubtedly heroic friend, partner and social commentator, and perhaps you even look forward to being left alone to measure and fathom for yourself the personal loss to yourself and your family. It is hard for […]
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