Refugee lawyer says new policy will deter Tamils

Wed, Aug 15, 2012 11:03 AM AEST: A leading Sri Lankan refugee lawyer says a return to off-shore processing will deter many Tamil asylum seekers.
A leading Sri Lankan refugee lawyer says a return to off-shore processing will deter many Tamil asylum seekers. The end of the civil war in Sri Lanka has seen a surge in Tamils […]
“We want our land back as we are also citizens of Sri Lanka”

What is the meaning of resettlement in Sri Lanka
Report of the Field visit of NAFSO/ Praja Abhilasha Network / Rights Now/ PCHR team at Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
When you read the field visit report of the resettlement of the Internally Displaced People[IDPs] you all will realize the reality of the so called
resettlement scheme of […]
MIGRATION: Reaction to Australian policy reforms

BANGKOK, 14 August 2012 (IRIN) – The Australian government’s recent decision to transfer asylum seekers to Pacific islands to process their applications will undermine efforts to find a solution to the region’s asylum seekers and refugees, human right groups and activists warn.
“Policies like offshore processing will see refugees languish on Nauru [Island] for years, and […]