Betting on the wrong horse

Darling Ma-hinder
I had always thought that your top man at the United Nations in the Big Apple, your big Kahuna on First Avenue was a bit of a (PRUN)E. Almost completely surrounded by some stubby grayish whiskers on his face and some stubby graying deputies on his person – albeit on a less frequent basis, […]
Blighty Almighty

Darling Ma-hinder
I must write to you about that fellow Karuna dear. Yes I do mean the fellow who snuffed out 600 kossas once upon a time and then there you were scooping him up from under the rubble and just like all grim Once upon a Time tales he ended up as an angel in […]
‘Rapes this and that not taking any place’ in Paradise

My darling Ma-hinder
Thellie as you know dear, is a toothsome young filly, who when the conditions are right, can be the life and soul of the party. Not for her the priggish decorum of centuries past. Tell her a good joke and she may be tickled pink. She may even throw back her head and […]
The ties that bind

My Darling Ma-hinder
I knew your sibling Chum-al was a great many things dearie, but not even at your annual family dansala did you let slip that the chap was also a nifty sub editor of sorts.
If the local rags are to be believed – and you would know – there was your Chum-al come lately, […]
A family of shawl bearers and a side order of cabraal

My Darling Ma-hinder
Heavens to Betsy my dear fellow, if it hasn’t been an exhilarating ride on a dizzying gradient for you chaps from Humbug-tots despite losing out to Gold Coast in the Games bid.
Take last Friday. Not only did the courts present you with a carefully gift wrapped Birthday bouquet and bung the Fonnie into […]
Big Apple Blues and a UN Report Card

My darling Ma-hinder,
Dear old fruit. How spiffing to renew our correspondence. There you are, I mean to say, bunging some correspondents in the slammer, booting the rest out of ole Paradise, and squeezing the lifeblood out of others, and now here we both are, corresponding away like two texting teenagers whose phone tabs are picked […]
It’s not a bed of roses being a dictator now, is it?

Darling Ma-hinder
There I was old thing, pacing the meadows with a heavy tread – the night before had been particularly frightful. I had chipped a nail while opening a bottle of rather delightful Chardonnay that then decided to spill itself on my lily-white linen. Ichabod I thought to myself, what is the world coming to […]
What a Sham!

Darling Ma-hinder
There are times m’dear if well fortified beforehand with the contents of half a bottle of vintage Bollinger sloshing about inside me, I could stick out an upward palm to be peered at by a soothsayer. I have been known of an evening, if sufficiently cheered on by friends to even allow a sayer […]