Sri Lanka most cost effective tourist destination for Britons says report

Head east for long-haul value
Britons in search of winter sun will find their money stretching farthest in Sri Lanka and south-east Asia, new research has shown.
Sri Lanka is the most cost-effective long-haul destination for Britons, according to the Post Office Photo: ALAMY
The Post Office’s annual “Long Haul Report”, which compares the cost of restaurant meals, drinks […]
Read MoreSri Lanka: War-torn beauty

After 30 years of violence, northern Sri Lanka is opening up to tourism
Saying I’m going on holiday to Sri Lanka elicits one of two reactions from my friends. There’s the ooh-elephants-temples-cocktails-at-sunset-lucky-you! brigade. And
then there are my friends who read the newspapers. “Which beach did you say you’re staying on?” emails a friend. “The one where […]
Journey to World’s End in Sri Lanka

The track to Baker’s Falls, in Sri Lanka’s hill country, was an “undulating” walk, according to our guide Thushara. I reminded him of that adjective as I hauled myself up an almost vertical and very muddy hillside.
“If this is undulating,” I muttered, pausing to grab another tree branch for support, “I’d hate to see what you […]